Courgette Cream with Red Mullet
Courgette Cream with Red Mullet
Course: Main

Michel demonstrated this delicious recipe at BBC Good Food Show Summer 2023. See Michel cooking live in the Big Kitchen at our BBC Good Food Show Winter on Friday 24 November. BOOK NOW!

Translated to Rouget sur son Lit de Courgettes, this is a delicate and delicious dish that combines the flavours of the red mullet with the subtle sweetness of courgettes. A flavourful and elegant seafood dish that is sure to impress your guests! 

Serves: 4
Difficulty: Hard


600g courgettes 
1 white onion, peeled 
2 garlic cloves, peeled 
Unsalted butter 
2 tsp Madras curry powder 
800ml boiling water 
Handful of basil leaves 
Olive oil 
4 small red mullet (200-300g each), filleted but with skin on 
Black pepper  

Curry oil 
3tbsp Madras curry powder 
1 litre olive oil 


  1. First prepare the curry oil. Heat the curry powder carefully in a dry pan for 5 minutes to release the oils and flavour. Add the oil and heat to 40°C (tepid in temperature if no thermometer to hand), then cover and leave to cool. After 24 hours, pour the oil through a muslin cloth, then store in a bottle in a cool dark place.
  2. Wash and dice all but a couple of courgettes, slice the onion and crush the garlic cloves.
  3. Melt a tablespoon of butter in a large pan and sweat the vegetables for 5 minutes. Add the 2 teaspoons of curry powder and continue to cook for a further 5 minutes. Pour in the boiling water, season and simmer for 10 minutes, then add the basil leaves and blitz in a food processor until smooth. Keep the mixture warm until you are ready to serve.
  4. Cut the remaining courgettes into thin ribbons on a mandolin or into fine strips. Cook these gently in a little butter in a griddle pan for a minute or so, then season and keep warm. 
  5. Check that all the pin bones have been removed from the red mullet fillets, then season them lightly and smear them with olive oil. Heat a non-stick frying pan and cook the mullet for 3 minutes on each side, until just tender
  6. Serve a bed of courgette cream onto each plate and add some ribbons, or strips of courgette. Place the fish on top and drizzle with the curry-infused olive oil.